Global Teen Challenge serves as the international hub for 1,400 affiliates in 129 nations, providing residential, faith-based addiction recovery programs around the world.
New Centers
We receive requests every month to start a new center or to implement our curriculum. We are dedicated to helping establish new programs around the world, and to assist with training, leadership development, certifications, licensure, and sustainability programs.
Workforce Development
Training leaders from within our organization is one of our most valuable resources. We mentor and equip graduates to become staff members who will continue to carry on the vision of hope – to start new outreach programs, lead prison reform groups, and teach prevention in their communities.
Sustainability Projects
Our experts help identify and develop low cost, high return indigenous-enterprises like farming, textiles, food services, and factory work to provide for the operational needs of individual centers in each of our eight regions around the world. While offering financial stability, these micro-enterprises create opportunities for students to learn valuable skills that help them provide for their families and become contributing members of society.
Women & Children
Our mission is to help both the individual and their families heal. So wherever possible, we offer residential programs where mothers with children can live together in a safe and stable environment as they recover together.
The Future of Recovery
We are developing an international network of certified coaches and licensed counselors to provide remote and digital care for those seeking freedom from life-controlling addictions – anywhere in the world. The social platform will digitally connect experienced professionals to those needing help.